Check out our Senior Scholarship page:
We will be selling senior yard signs for you to purchase for your graduating senior. These signs are two-sided, full color signs with the student's senior yearbook picture and will be sold for $25/each. Yard signs will be sold online only until Sunday, March 23 at 11:59 p.m. No late payments will be accepted. You will receive an email when they are ready to be picked up which should be the week of April 21.
To order you sign, please click here and log into your account and follow the prompts. Please note that all school fees must be paid before you can order a sign.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email [email protected].
Mark your calendar for the following important dates:
- Cap and Gown Delivery: February 20th from 12:00-2:00 in the TLH Mall Area
- Graduation Practice: May 21st from 9:00-12:00 in the TLH Mall Area
- Graduation Ceremony: May 22nd at 10:00 a.m. at Littlejohn Coliseum in Clemson, SC. Each student will get 13 tickets for the graduation ceremony.
Cap and Gown Delivery Day is Thursday, February 20th. Cap and Gowns will be distributed in the mall area from 12:00-2:00. Please pick up your Cap and Gown during lunch! Students should NOT miss Southwood, AIT, or any other off-campus classes for this event. If you are unable to pick up your Cap and Gown at this time, it will be held in the front office, and you may pick it up at a later date.
- This year's prom will be held Saturday, April 12 at The Bleckley Station in downtown Anderson.
- Tickets will be $35 each and will go on sale during LUNCH ONLY on April 7-11.
- Please remember that ALL SCHOOL FEES must be paid in full before purchasing a ticket for you or a date. (Mrs. Councill sends out weekly emails each Friday for any student who owes a fee, so please check your email to know if you owe fees, or log into your school account to check fees here.)
- If bringing a guest from another school or someone who has already graduation, the attached form must be filled out, along with a picture ID, and returned to Mrs. Councill PRIOR to purchasing a ticket. All guests must be under the age of 21. Guest Approval Form.pdf
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our prom coordinator, Ms. LaJuana Jones, at [email protected]